Timeless Style
Simple, easy style
A collaboration with Ernest Wright Ltd
It started with a pair of scissors.
About five years ago Ben was struggling with his fabric scissors in the studio, he was using a mid range ...
Our Family Christmas Cake recipe
Ever since our children were very young each year we would make our Christmas cake together as a family, playing Christmas songs at top volume, ea...
The best EVER tomato sauce
Every month for years now I make up a batch of this tomato sauce, we use it as the base for pastas sauces, chilli, soups, all sorts... we put it in...
Many of you who support what we do at Pajotten are makers and creators in your own right, so we thought it would be really interesting to find out...
Cost per wear and other ways to save money
The enthusiasm around sustainable fashion, combined with the current financial pressures have made us all much more conscious about how and where...
An interview about all things Pajotten
We spent a great couple of hours recently chatting all things Pajotten, and what its like creating a clothing brand with Nick from @welldresseddad ...
Wild garlic pesto
Every year our local woodland is filled with acres and acres of wild garlic, the smell is intoxicating and it looks wonderful. Every time I walk ...
As a child my dad once took me to a plastic inflatable structure outside the Barbican, in order to go in you had to wear a plastic cape, soft soun...
Moments from the studio April 2021
April was an incredibly busy month in the Pajotten studio, we were hard at work making up lots of orders, while at the same time producing the samp...
Moments from the studio - March 2021
The Pajotten studio is always very busy, we work 6-7 days per week, with the studio being used to design, pattern cut, manufacture and wrap all o...
Max Richter and Yulia Mahr’s film Sleep was an idea 28 years in the making. It was recorded in 2015, the first performance was in ...